Simple C++ wrapper for zlib using RAII and std::string with flush.
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
\NzlibcompleteTop-level namespace for all compressors and decompressors
 oCGZipCompressorGZip compression class using std::string for input and output
 oCGZipDecompressorGZip decompression class using std::string for input and output
 oCZLibCompressorZLib compression class using std::string for input and output
 oCZLibDecompressorZLib decompression class using std::string for input and output
 oCRawDeflaterRaw ZLib compression class using std::string for input and output
 \CRawInflaterRaw ZLib decompression class using std::string for input and output